Jun 052012

Tänk att det lilla projekt jag och Robert drog igång för snart sju år sedan har börjat få så mycket luft under vingarna. Inte bara har vi ett fantastiskt team av åkare som flänger jorden runt och tar placeringar på tävlingar, utan vi har faktiskt lyckats nå ut i världen med vår produkt. En innovativ design och ett nytänkande när det kommer till hanteringen av material ligger bakom. Robert som har utvecklat b rds senaste line up har verkligen träffat rätt i år. B rd Manta är något helt nytt. En bräda utan onödiga avfasningar eller andra överflödiga detaljer. Träet är pressat direkt i den önskvärda formen, vilket ger en strukturell integritet och en prestanda som inte återfinns på marknaden idag. Dessutom har vi inlett ett sammarbete tillsammans med en av världens ledande designers när det kommer till skateboardtruckar, surfrodz. 2012 kommer bli ett spännande år i svensk downhill.

Saxat från b rd Skateboards hemsida:

b rd skateboards and Surf Rodz, two inovative companies known for their high quality products have started a collaboration that will result in even better products for the longboard community.

Team b rd is ready for the 2012 season with Surf Rodz RKP trucks and the new revolutionairy downhill board – The b rd Manta.
The team consisting of some of the best Nordic riders will challenge the best in Europe and show the world what innovation is all about.

b rd and Surf Rodz will maintain a close collaboration in order to further develop the products offered by the two companies.
Both Surf Rodz and b rd is looking forward to a fun and rewarding season and together we will aspire to push the evolution of the sport even further.

About b rd
b rd skateboards is a longboard brand from Gothenburg, Sweden, founded by the friends Robert Flemming and Martin Hagland who, since 2005, have built everything by hand in a little joinery on the island of Hisingen. Initially, all boards were custom made and “one-of-a-kind”. It wasn’t until 2011, after six years of tweaking the board models that we could release our first collection of longboards à la b rd. We called the series of longboards “Set the damn bird free”.

b rd is the feelings you have for your childhood friends. We hope that you and the rest want to hang with us, skate with us, go to events together and just have a great time. If you ever have any questions or feel curious, you’re welcome to get in touch with us.


About Surf Rodz
Surf-Rodz was born out of a keen interest in beautifully made high-performance gear for snow, road and water. Focusing on the rider’s individual needs for better performance.

We design, develop and manufacture.
The Surf-Rodz vision is clear: We are focused on quality, technically advanced products, innovation, reliability, status and style.



This is the new Manta from b rd Skateboards.




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